Scores on the Doors

Food Hygiene Rating for Dine @FL


Forest Lodge
Parish Lane
Pease Pottage, Crawley
RH10 5NY

1 (Major Improvement Necessary)

Dine @FL was awarded a Food Hygiene Rating of 1 (Major Improvement Necessary) by Mid Sussex District Council on 23rd November 2023.

Food Hygiene and Safety
Improvement necessary
Structural Compliance
Confidence in Management
Major improvement necessary
What the Business Says
<p><br /> Since the visit I have learnt what expectations the council have with regard providing HACCAP analysis of dishes that aren’t deep fried, oven baked or otherwise cooked at high temperatures and for long periods. Any dishes that aren’t prepared in this generic way will now go through a HACCAP analysis before appearing on a menu. Although checks of core temperatures of the majority of dishes were done, they weren’t recorded separately on a paper form due to time pressures during a busy service. Since this is what the council want to see, this is now part of our protocol. The cleanliness of our premise was never in question.</p><br /> <p><br /> The conditions of the premise were typical of normal conditions and were said to be ‘impeccable’ by the inspector at the time of the visit. The cleanliness of our premise is not being questioned. Part of one method, for one component of one dish from one menu has been evaluated and has largely given rise to this rating. That method is no longer used, and any similar methods will now go through a full HACCAP analysis before appearing on a menu. Records will be kept for the council to view when they want. The surface disinfectant brand has been changed, in response to advice received during the inspection, from a brand that was previously approved during an advice visit.</p><br />
13th January 2024
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Information last updated 29th April 2024.

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